To Love or not to Love?
They say, time heals everyone and betters life, what they fail to realise is the fact that time also changes you drastically and that, I have sensed, is not the most desirable curves of life. From the last couple of days, I have been on a quest to figure who has time made me. One of the positives being, I can innately & shamelessly accept and relate to what my soul seeks.
My job demands my brain to be on its toes, I take my bread earning skills pretty seriously and seems like that has been facilitating my self-discovery journey. A bunch of my colleagues and I happen to discuss intricacies of human emotions on an everyday basis, trying to decode the origin and sustaining factor of these nerve pricks. Human beings come with distinct expertise on subject matters of their liking, the synthesis throws open a new theory of interpretation. Similarly, my colleagues and I have moderately parallel zones of interest, converging at some point. On digging deeper into human emotions, what we perceive as the most organic aspect of humankind, we discovered that these emotions have a pattern of generation. An occurring event generates psychological reasoning which in turn gives birth to a logical reaction, which is termed as an emotion. Now the psychological reason might differ from person to person, basis how one views the situation.
Charles Darwin quotes, “emotions are evolved traits of human species” which implies that every emotion that we tag as a natural and innate reaction, is an evolved trait that time & experience have taught us and not something we were born with. Explains why some are short tempered while others are joyful and gay. Coming to the real question, can human brain ever perceive the generation of any given emotion?
Let’s consider ‘Love’, since seems like that is the most coveted of all. How does one realise that he/she is in love? Ideal scenario, a linear series of events, producing a bunch of psychological reasonings, ultimately forming a cumulative logical reaction aka LOVE. But hey, I seem to have felt all of it in a split second coz love at first sight, now what is that? I don’t seem to fall in one but let’s just stand by popular perception (things I do to please my readers, sigh) Considering the above categories of love, let’s trace back to step 1- a well groomed man making adrakh wali chai for me, what does it do to me? Why does my brain resonate with him making chai? Is this event enough for my brain to kickstart the process of generating a new emotion (LOVE) all together? What’s the threshold of conversion from liking to loving?
Now I am sure most of you might have either started questioning my humane nature or might have started contemplating regarding your own love life. I am going to continue nonetheless.
Let’s look at a parallel theory which has been under trials for a long time, I promise it will all make sense, keep reading. According to the popular String Theory, there are a total of 11 dimensions, 10 spacial and 1 being time. Human beings can perceive front, back, left, right, up and down, 3 dimensional world to be accurate. Anything and everything beyond these patterns of existence is beyond our comprehension. Each of these dimensions enable distinct forms of existence. Electromagnetism, essentially breaking down forms of energy, is produced by fundamental particles that act as carriers. Now force of gravitation- one of the most fundamental scientific theories known to Humankind is a notable exception for the electromagnetic particles. These particles don’t have a defined pattern of existence since human eyes never really managed to view them. ( I really tried to break it down, not inviting geeks to bash me up)
Going back to Love, like any other emotion is a logical reaction to a given set of events which happens to generate a psychological reasoning. Now, this psychological reason is a result of a bunch of electromagnetic particles converging, inside your brain which is way beyond your understanding. In simpler words, Love or any other emotion for that matter, generates on a dimension where human beings do not exist and can never reach. The very aspect stated to be so intrinsically organic to human existence, is apparently not. Connecting back to patterns being formed due to experiences, love is a constantly evolving personalised pattern that your brain resonates with based on your experiences. Hence, do not fall for what Karan Johar is preaching you, that’s just his desired perception of ‘love’.
Now what is the deciding factor for you to consider whether or not to stick around someone coz differentiation just got super tough. The INTENT to explore this super aspirational emotion which is an organic process, you will know :)
Hoping for this piece to convey my convoluted thoughts in a fairly structured way. Hit me up for taking it further. Happy reading :)