Subscribing to values that benefit me..
For a very long time, I have been told that my understanding of things are slightly different than what it is supposed to be. I am asked to change my attitude and not to be so cut throat but I seem to have not improved at all. The ever growing societal expectations have lead me develop an aversion to the prescribed way of living. Like most of my blogs, this is also about the fact of humans wanting to/expected to be like other humans. I am supposed to perceive things in a certain fashion. I am an outcast if I don’t believe in something that the mass agrees on. The act of being tied down by a certain set of perceived values and traditions is not at all desirable to me. How am I any different if I don’t choose to look at an idol and place a list of wishes?
Talking about religion, I might be inviting haters but hey, someone needs to talk about it. Religion is nothing but fiction. God is nothing but fear. We take a dip in the holy river to wash off our sins. That’s great coz I was planning a murder (not really). Tie a couple of threads around the bark of the holy tree and the lord shall bless you with a child. Great, whatever happened to Biology. I don’t know whether or not to believe in any of this but am I allowed to take some time and choose my preferred side? Nope, no one gets to pick, a human is ought to be religious.
Hindu mythology has quite a few unreasonable rituals and traditions yet it is commendable to see how each of these rituals have a biased individual reasoning. The generation before us was all about nodding heads, they were spoon fed to be disciplined and well mannered while we are being spoon fed to be full of ourselves and follow our dreams. The previous generation feared the state of poverty since they spent most of their life struggling for three meals a day and our generation is born with low fat milk, high protein cereals and high fibre cookies. The context of survival has transformed over a period of time then why is it surprising to see a shift in the set of believes? Everyone seems to think of their generation as the most ideal but we are all slightly evolved yet devolved compared to the previous generation. It is the environment, progressive mindset and fairly accepting society which are responsible for this gradual transition.
The above mentioned set of rituals and traditions were probably initiated for the most sensible reason and were practised vigorously but with passing time and lack of documentation facilities and decreasing inquisitiveness in people, these practises became a set of mere do’s and dont’s which people started following blindly. In today’s day and age, technology has enabled even the monk chanting in the no network zone to question the wrong. With emergence of social media sites, people have got a platform to seek validation for their opinions and thoughts. At a juncture where each one of us is struggling to explore oneself and other unaccounted facets of life, our roots tend to weigh us down at times. This is exactly why the millennials prefer questioning and personalising their guide book to life based on their understanding on things.
With everything pacing so swiftly, will we be able to wisely differentiate between the right and the wrong?